(1pc) ( Compatible : Multi / UNIVERSAL ) Washing Machine PCB Board / Papan Litar
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Compatible Brand : Universal / Multi
Model : XN-999

Model : XN-6688

Model : SXY-2200

Model : SXY-2299

Model : SXY-9988

Model : YM100

Model : YM500

Model : QS27FMSZ

Model : 11210885

Model : XN-6688 (Wire Type)

Model : YM600W

Model : YM800XQG

Model : SXY-2200 ( Memory )

Model : SXY-2300 ( Memory )

Features :
* COMS chip is imported. Good for stability and resisting interference.
* Relay control electrical source.
* Operation panel is ultra-thin.
* Water output control can choose AC or DC.
* Install suitable pressure switch for water level. Ensure water level of washing machine is correct.
Attention! Warning
1. Before re-equipping, confirm the drainage system is DC or AC. It has two voltage ouput to choose from. It must be replace when;-
a) Infall valve resistance to be smaller than 4K ( Short Circuits)
b) Drainage valve electricity smaller than 100Q (Short Circuits)
If not, this will cause serious damage to the PCB Board.
2. After replacement water level sensor, if the barrel has water in the storage, you have to choose on the computer board function to drain the water on time so that the water level frequency and the PCB Board phase synchronize. If not, this will cause the water to continuously flow in and water level not normal.
3. The water level must be the water level sensor (has three pins), and the frequency must match the PCB Board.
4. The water level sensor frequency must be accurate. If not, this will cause only rinse and not dry clothes.
5. If water is drained but cannot dry clothes, you should inspect cover switch.
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